Should I Use 1K Or 2K Adhesive?

This is a question we often receive from customers. The answer we give is simple, both systems have their merits – it purely depends on your application.

Fast cure, high strength and structural bonding are all attributes of 2K systems. However, when used in structural bonding in certain transportation applications, the rigidity of the product can be detrimental to it’s long-term performance. Some adhesive chemistries are prone to embrittlement and often the slightest knock or impact can result in total failure. Balance between strength and flexibility is critical. If there is not enough flexibility all the forces are transferred to the bond face.

1K systems on the other hand are more flexible and have higher tear and shear resistance. For example, Formoa 017FE eliminates any concerns over twisting, bumping, and rolling etc. This is because flexible adhesives absorb movement within their internal structure, rather than transferring all force to the bond interface.

So, if you’re looking for a fast cure with high strength, a 2K system would be the best bet for you. If you’re bonding a vehicle, however, it’s worth looking at a 1K system to ensure the right level of flexibility. We have attached the individual properties of 3 adhesives below which includes the advantages and disadvantages of each. If you’re still looking for some advice, feel free to contact one of our specialists on the number above or click here to request our product data sheets.

MS Polymer